Omar Chaudhry - Cybersecurity Specialist

about - blog - cv

I moved to Kenya!!

No big article (yet) about it. But long story short, I quit my job at the EPA because my wife got a job in Nairobi. To anyone reading this, I want to let you know that I'm looking for a job in cybersecurity :)

My ADHD & Cybersecurity Career

Here are my thoughts and opinions on how my ADHD interacts with my profession.

How I Got Banned from Instagram (and Why I'm Glad It Happened)

I know it sounds weird... But it turns out that if you're addicted to social media, the best thing to do is not use it.

Dungeons and Dragons and Data Breaches: Using Fantasy Games for Real Training

This is one of the of the interviews I have written for the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). In this blog post, I delve into an unorthodox strategy that school IT departments are utilizing in order to sharpen their network security.

Hack Me If You Can: Teaming Up with Student Hackers

This is one of the of the interviews I have written for the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). In this blog post, I interviewed a former student hacker turned Director of Technology (DoT) at his local school district.

Making the Case for Increased Investment in Cybersecurity: A Primer for K12 School Districts just getting started with Cybersecurity.

The following link includes a research analysis as well as a series of blog posts written for the Consortium for School Networking's (CoSN) Blaschke Fellowship Fund. CoSN provides thought leadership resources, community best practices and advocacy tools to help leaders succeed in the digital transformation.

[RESEARCH PAPER] Eavesdropping & Jamming: Security Problems For 5G Wireless Networks

[RESEARCH PAPER] Handling an Incident Response: Crucial Points & Phases

[RESEARCH PAPER] Is Cyberspace at Risk of Being Militarized?

[RESEARCH PAPER] Common Challenges Faced Among Traditional Encryption Methods

First Post!

This is only the beginning. Good things to come soon.